Why Should You Read Title Documents?

Pat Hune, Broker, 1st Southwest Realty, July 2018 Recently I was representing the sellers in a transaction. Their names were very common like John and Jennifer Smith. When I read Schedule B of the title report I noticed it called out a judgment that needed to be...

Who is Responsible for Zoning Violations?

Pat Hune, Broker, 1st Southwest Realty, December 2018 Mr. Happy was looking for a house with a guesthouse. He had elderly parents and wanted a separate living area for them.  He found the perfect house.  The guesthouse was a studio with a kitchen and bath attached to...

Does Rent Control Work?

National Real Estate Investor, October 2019 The issue of rent control is a sensitive one. It’s hard to make a stand for the importance of a free market undefined by governmental intrusion without sounding like a greedy landlord. But there is a place in that market for...