Why Gift Cards Are A Waste of Money

A few months ago I helped a client clean out her grandparents home after her grandmother passed away.  We were working on the office when we discovered a drawer full of gift cards.  Some of them were expired, some had no expiration date and some were for places no...

Should a Seller Fix Up a Property or Sell As-is?

(Note I listed these two properties a few years ago when it was not the crazy market of today. But as the market starts to cool a bit this article is still relevant.)  This is a tale of two houses. Both of them needed work, albeit most of the work needed was...

Nothing, Not Even Labor, Will Stop a Dedicated Buyer

Recently I met a client at the title company to sign documents the last day of February.  While we were signing the escrow officer mentioned there was a young couple in the conference room next door signing loan documents to buy their first home.  This is not unusual...